Time poverty has driven the trend for less frequent cooking in favour of faster, better quality cooking and social media, in particular Instagram, continues to expand the culinary aspirations of ordinary households introducing new ingredients to the vernacular and fueling demand for recipes

Brand Values

Stylists talk about the “the capsule wardrobe” a selection of key garments from which you can makeup dozens of smart and fashionable outfits saving you time and money and ensuring you alwayshave a great outfit for any occasion. In destitute gourmet cooking we are applying the capsulewardrobe principal to the pantry. We’ve broken it into 3 key areas, Shop Smart, Eat Healthily and InSeason and Make a little luxury go a long way.You can pick and choose which of the many suggestions in each area will work for you – its not adiet, there are no rules just tried and tested methods for helping you eat well and spend less.


Shop Smart


Eat healthily and in season


Make a little of something luxurious go a long way.

Cook, eat and enjoy.

Sophie Gray

Founder, destitute gourmet


Sophie's interest in evolving food trends and her engaging social medial presence have ensured that destitute gourmet is a relevant, inspiring and trustworthy voice in the Foodie universe. 

Her response to the Covid 19 quarantine crisis providing free access to her recipes and resources mirrors her ongoing commitment to helping the “working poor” to make ends meet. 

destitute gourmet has worked with Salvation Army, Budget Advisory, Food Together and many individual Food banks and community aid agencies through the years and provides recipes and resources for “Close to Home” the tenants magazine for  Kaianga Ora (Housing NZ).