Case Study:

Five Minute Foodie

The Five minute Foodie was created by Bauer Media and executed by Sophie Gray. It is an example of a top down multiplatform model. Produce 1 video of 1 product used in 4 ways. Cut this to 4 mini videos (one per recipe) for circulation on Instagram and Facebook. Hosted and promoted on both her social platforms, Food to Love and supplied to the client to use on theirs.

Sophie Gray created all the recipe content for the 5 Minute Foodie brand as well as cooking and styling the recipes for every 5 minute Foodie video which were filmed and edited by a crack team of video editors and designers

Case Study:


The 5 minute foodie recipe videos for Yoplait have been widely shared on Facebook and Instagram, attracting comments, likes and interaction which is the goal of social marketing. Yoplait have subsequently repurposed a substantial number of the recipes and their imagery to populate the recipe landing page on their website.  

Case Study:

Exotic Foods

Exotic Foods are a small distribution business in Christchurch. They had great supermarket penetration in the South Island but wanted to grow this in the North Island. A recipe campaign was created by their agency around the themes of “Dip it, Wok it, Dress it” designed to show the versatility of the Exotic Foods Sauce range. Sophie Gray was briefed to create inspirational, accessible recipes that people want to make, and style them in an appropriate manner reflecting Exotic Foods Brand identity and cook the dishes for both video and print.
This content was beautiful through print and digital, and a pre and post campaign effectiveness study fantastic results. Not only was the brand recall for Exotic Foods twice as high with those who had seen the content, but it showed that of those exposed, 70% took an action. Dwell times on page views were also significantly increased.

Case Study:

How to...

Case Study:

Cooking with Sophie

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